Maureen's Musings

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

God's Grace to Me

Never could I imagine that when I left Singapore to work as a nurse at the Mission Clinic in Kumasi, Ghana in 1994, that God would change my life and bless me so richly. This cannot be anything other than His amazing grace.

Grace—the unmerited favor—something that we do not earn or deserve but God gives so freely!

Yes, I went to Ghana as a single woman, having given up on the idea of finding a mate and have my own family.  But God had his own plan.  He found me a wonderful, loving man in Anthony and blessed me with our first born, Jeremy, at the age of 40.  Three years later, He blessed us with Jonathan through adoption.

Today, Anthony and I are celebrating our 9th Anniversary.  Nine blessed years of marriage, learning and growing together and most of all, walking hand in hand with our blessed Savior and Friend, Jesus.